Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekends Just Fly By!

When  you work every weekend, they go by so fast! It was a pretty busy day at the mall. The campground is getting busier and busier each and every weekend. We are still getting some "snow birds". We had one customer that was traveling back from Kansas, he went there to buy an old English sheep dog puppy. This puppy was  only 2 months old and he was bigger than Jodie. Can you imagine scooping that poop when he is full size, you would have to use a hefty bag. They had an older sheep dog that looked like a large pony. 
I love my new home
Dumpy is doing OK (we are starting to call her "DD" for dumpster diver) . She is very happy and will not go near the door.  I need to take her to the veterinarian this week. I think she has an upper respiratory infection, and she might be pregnant! She lost her voice and her little belly is firm and round and her nipples are sticking out. What have I gotten myself into?
I'm glad the kitty lost her voice, now I can sleep in peace and quiet.
I stopped by the veterinarians office the other day and told them about the new stray cat. They gave me some prices for everything she is going to need including her little operation. I talked to Lisa, (Soupy's new mom) and she said that Soupy is doing wonderful. That is great news. I gave her my email address and she is going to send me some pictures of Soupy. I miss that little silly cat~~~~

A cute dog video, enjoy
Thanks for reading, life is good..........


Sue and Doug said...

crazy dog in the video..glad to hear that DD and Soupy are both doing well!..good luck at the vet!!

pidge said...

Love the video. Hope you share the pictures of Soupy with us.

Happytrails said...

Happy to hear the update on Soupy and DD. Pregnant huh?? Now that should be a challenge!!