TC's daughter, Leigh had a beautiful dog named "Hank". Hank was a black lab. We are a dog loving family and our dogs are our children. Leigh, Scott, Courtney and Caroline had Hank since he was a puppy. We all loved Hank and we know he is in Heaven. I don't know what I would do if Jodie wasn't in my life, she is my best friend. I know one day she will go to Heaven as well. I truly believe that God gave us dogs, so mankind would have a companion that would love us unconditionally. Jodie is always so happy when I come home, I can be gone for a week or just an hour and it it so nice to come home to a dog wagging her tail and smiling.
We love you Hank, rest in peace!
We are real sorry to hear about Hank we have three dogs and Lady the oldest has a hard time getting around.
Our Annie is our furry kid and we love her so much. I'm sorry about Hank, and I know he is in Heaven. Annie is very ill with heart disease, but through medication is doing OK. She'll be seeing her doctor when we get back to Tumwater for another evaluation. She is almost 13 and has been a joy to us for all of those years. Dogs are AWESOME!
rest in peace, Hank..dogs are the best!..unconditional love!!
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