…..it will make you jingle your way back to bed and get under the covers!
It looks like Mr. Winter decided to come and hang out for a while. When it is this cold (22 degrees) I get in the mood to cook. Today I’m making some hearty homemade beef barley soup, Italian rolls and a tossed salad. TC loves to eat hot steamy soup on a cold day and we both love to have the leftovers.
I’m still having fun meeting all kinds of interesting people with totally different attitudes while working at the mall. Some of them are very happy and nice and some of them should not be allowed to go out in public.
A mother and her little boy walked by the counter and I asked the little boy what he wanted for Christmas. The adorable little boy said “I want a real live baby cow for Christmas”. I asked his mom if they lived on a farm, she told me that they did not.
My co-worker was walking in the mall and saw a lady pushing a man in a wheel chair. She said it looked like they had been in an accident. The lady was bruised up a bit and the man had a broken leg. She looked at them and smiled and said “Merry Christmas”, the lady pushing the wheel chair gave her a dirty look and said “screw you”!
♪♫•*¨*•.. Fa la la, la la la, la la la..•*¨*•♫♪
The campground is like a ghost town. I think most of the snowbirds are already south. Every once in a while, we have a camper come in for the night. Some of them are travelling for the holidays.
Ya, people are interesting, entertaining, and challenging... arent they?
Hot Soup on a Cold day is the best! ENJOY! and keep on keepin on!
Food sounds good, the temperatures not so much;)
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