Thursday, September 8, 2011

Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall!

We sure are getting our share of rain here, I think I'm growing gills!
The Conococheague Creek is swelling and flowing over it's banks. Our creekside sites are under water.
Other than all of the rain we are having, things are going well.
We love to nap on the dash when it is raining out
I love to cuddle up with Jodie!

Jodie and I do manage to take short walks in between the rain showers.
I think the weather man is calling for rain everyday this week.
We are very lucky so far, so many streets and roads are closed due to flooding.
Although we do have some flooding here, we aren't in any danger.     

I wish Lily would leave me alone so I can sleep

Enough with the camera already, I'm trying to sleep!

I think I'll have plenty of time to read my book and relax.  
Thanks for reading, life is good...........


squawmama said...

Stay safe ~ keep watching the weather news...
Have fun

~M said...

Cute babies!! Cheers! ~M

LaVon Baker said...

Please send some of that rain to Texas!! We're scorched.

Sue and Doug said...

all in the name of blogging Jodie!!!

Merikay said...

Jodie has such an expressive face. Enjoy these next two months, winter is just around the corner.

Rick said...

Nice pics! A day inside just reading sounds pretty attractive to me right now. Hope the forecast holds out and no flooding occurs.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

The rain and flooding is amazingly wide spread. We have been watching closely, as we had planned our next part of the trip through the southern area of New York state but all the flooding has made us rethink.

We are trying to find a way to weave our way to the south and west towards Ohio without hitting flooding fallout.

I hope your flood forecast holds good.