Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yes We Do Have Mosquitoes!

That's right we are the Hagerstown KOA Campground and we do have bugs! We also have a beautiful swimming pool, a game room, mini golf, canoeing, kayaking, gorgeous flower gardens, cable TV, wireless Internet and so much more. 
How many of you would call a campground and ask if they have mosquitoes or other bugs? It's a campground and it's summer time. HELLO, I think someone is a few fries short of a "happy meal". 

I do get some funny phone calls. I had one caller call last night and asked if we had any openings for this coming weekend. I explained that we were booked and they asked "why"? I told them it was the 4th of July weekend. They were shocked that so many people would go camping on the holiday. Go figure.........

Pictures from our morning walk

Sometimes life is funny. I love working here at the campground, I get to meet some interesting people.
This weekend is going to be a good one.

Thanks for reading, life is good.............


I.M. Vayne said...

It are soundin' like as not yer gonna be havin' yer share of two footed bugs this weekend. It sure are gonna be interestin' to reed yer tales of what the holiday weekend were like.

Along the Way with JnK said...

Just when you think you've heard them all...another one calls or comes in.

For the first time since coming into this lifestyle, we are actually guests for the holiday weekend...what a difference that will be!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the bugs...if you have them that is!

Kathy said...

Hey, they are plentiful here at the KOA in Onawa, Iowa. Of course, practically the whole state is flooding so no wonder they are out in droves!
I wonder what your caller was thinking...like maybe you have mosquito netting around the campground???LOL

Travels with Emma said...

Well, if you have mosquitoes then I'm not camping there this weekend! Ha! :)

Happytrails said...

Last year we had a camper ask us if we knew there were wasp in the campground near his site. Well, yes, you are in the woods...duh! He then asked us if we could spray his site for bugs. So funny!

Glad you all are booked....great time for family camping!! REALLY!!

Rick said...

It takes all kinds that's for sure!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Just imagine if you could say you had the only campground with no bugs! We are in a state park in Ohio-we have more than our share, but it is a beautiful place.

Donna K said...

You should keep a notebook of all the funny questions...bet you'd have a best seller.