The KOA inspectors passed us with flying colors! John and Judi are so happy! The inspectors check out the water temp in the bathrooms, the pool and make sure everything is in working order and safe. They also check for cleanliness, the overall look of the campground and so much more. They loved our campground and gave us some nice compliments
We are pretty much booked for the Father's Day weekend and we are planing on having a great time. We have all kinds of fun activities planned. It looks like Mother Nature is going to be nice to us and give us plenty of sun and heat! Thanks for reading, talk to you in a few.........
We are pretty much booked for the Father's Day weekend and we are planing on having a great time. We have all kinds of fun activities planned. It looks like Mother Nature is going to be nice to us and give us plenty of sun and heat! Thanks for reading, talk to you in a few.........

1 comment:
Congratulations on the inspection. We knew you could do it!
Enjoy your weekend.
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