Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finger Lickin' Good!

Today was a good day. I worked at the mall and everything went well.
 While driving home after work, I started thinking "what should I cook for dinner?". TC had the day off and I wanted to have something better than yesterdays leftovers. We can eat them tomorrow.  I drove by a place called "Redneck Ribs". I just had to stop by and see what these ribs were all about.

Wow! what a find, these ribs were finger lickin' good! Talk about living in the TrailerHood, life couldn't be any better! 
Honestly, these ribs were fantastic and they are set up just around the corner. I asked them for some brochures and menus, for the campground. I will highly recommended Redneck Ribs!
Thanks for reading, life is good.................


Sue and Doug said...

you are right..ribs are 'fingerlickin' good!!..hope you enjoyed them!!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

You just never know when you are going to find great food in one of those roadside places.