Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pennies From Heaven!

At the store that I work in the mall, we are asking all of our shoppers to give pennies from heaven. If my customer has a $19.75 sub total, I ask her if she will round up her purchase to a even $20.00 and give 25 pennies to our after school fund.

When you round up your purchase to the nearest dollar, your small change makes a big difference. That’s because it’s added to the millions donates each year to local afterschool programs. Together we have given more than $100 million to communities across the country!

Most of our customers are very happy to help with this program. 

Thanks for reading, life is good................


Sue and Doug said...

rounding up is a great idea!!!

Kenny And Angela's Adventure said...

That is a good idea and help's lots of kids.

Merikay said...

Rounding up makes it easier to give. Much like he change jar at McDonalds that has helped so many at the Ronald McDonald Houses.

Rick said...

Great idea!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

I am glad to hear that they support such a good cause.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

I am glad to hear that they support such a good cause.

Four Windows with a View said...

If I need to go shopping I think I'll go to Penney's next time.