Tuesday, August 2, 2011

From Swimsuits To Winter Coats!

At the mall we went from swimsuits to winter coats in just a few days. And it is 100 degrees out! 

It is back to school time in the retail world. We are busy selling all of the back to school stuff at the mall. 

Jodie is busy shedding her old winter coat and growing  her new one for the winter. I'm brushing a ton of hair off her each and every day.  

That's right, I don't need to go "back to school shopping" for my new winter coat!

One of the services we offer here at the Hagerstown KOA is pet sitting. 

Today, TC and I were asked to take care of Savannah. Savannah is a "cute little Yorkie".

I miss my mom and dad!

Savannah was a good little pooch and we were happy to take care of her. TC and I love dogs. We are always happy to help out the campers.

Isn't life great?

Thanks for reading, life is good.............


Sue and Doug said...

what a great service to provide!..sure helps with the barking dogs left along all day in the rv's!!..now as for winter coats?..we have barely had summer!!..geesh..before you know it there will be Christmas decorations to buy!!

Margie and Roger said...

Savannah is a cutie, but sure looks like she is lonesome.

When we arrived in Central Florida last August I wanted to buy a bathing suit - the stores were filled with winter coats and sweaters, etc. Hey, it's Florida and the pool is 86 degrees year round. Finally found some luckily.

Happytrails said...

Savannah's eyes look so sad! I hope you guys helped make her happy!
It is so hard to get into buying winter stuff when it is so hot outside BUT in the retail world it is that time!

Donna K said...

Savannah looks sad. Hope she got lots of TLC today. What a cutie and what a great service.

squawmama said...

Cute pics...