Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Relaxing Day Off!

I was on the schedule to work in the mall yesterday. They had to revise the schedule and I ended up having the day off!
Yesterday was a beautiful day to have off. It was warm and sunny with low humidity.

I had an appointment to take Jodie to the vets for her yearly exam. She loves to go out for car rides. She was so excited and happy until she saw the white coat the vet wears, then she was ready to leave. She made it out with a clean bill of health.

We came home, grabbed the camera and took a long walk. After the car ride and a long walk, Jodie was ready for a nap. She settled down and I went to the pool and floated the day away on my raft. 
I thoroughly enjoyed my day off! I don't get many of them and I made to most of it just relaxing. 

This weekend is going to be a busy one. The campground is going to be packed and the mall is having some awesome sales. I will be busy and the time will fly by. Good grief, the year is half over all ready.
Thanks for reading, life is good............


squawmama said...

I know... time is flying by!!!
Have fun

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Funny how even our pets are nervous around those white coats.

Sue and Doug said...

glad you got to enjoy your day off!..floating in the pool! fun and relaxing!..
nice that Jodi past her yearly exam and got out of there lickety split!!