Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Getting Ready For The Holiday Weekend!

We are all working hard here at the campground to have everything in order for this holiday weekend. We are completely booked. We will have the store stocked, have plenty of firewood and ice and open the pool. This will be the first weekend that the pool will be open. So far it looks like the weather will be nice to us.
 Jodie and I saw this weird looking mushroom like thing while walking this morning. I'm  not sure what it is but I had to take a picture. 

On a sad note: I found out that my favorite boss passed away the other day. "Doc" was a wonderful person and a great boss. I know he is in a special place and pray that his family finds comfort and peace knowing that.

Vito Tinelli (Doc)
Thanks for reading, life is good..........


Rick said...

Should be a busy and exciting weekend - good luck.

pidge said...

Sorry to hear about your friend passing. Have a great time over the week end. stay safe.

LaVon Baker said...

Beautiful mushroom picture!!

Happytrails said...

Sorry about the loss of your friend/boss.

Have a great weekend....the first big one of the season! Let the fun begin!!

Donna K said...

That is one interesting looking fungi!!

Sorry to hear of your friend's passing.

Have a great weekend.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

If the volume of bookings at the campgrounds we have seen is any indication, it is going to be a wild weekend.

I do not think that I would use that mushroom in a soup:)