Man oh man, this weather has been crazy. I don't know what happened to spring, summer is here! We went from winter to temps in the high 80's. One day we had our heat on and the next day we were running the AC. We have had a lot of rain and thunder stroms. The weatherman has issued a tornado and a flash flood warning for the rest of the day. YIKES, what should we do. TC already put the awning up and we put our outside chairs away. Not much else we can do but relax, drink some wine and watch American Idol. I wish we had a basement or a cave to crawl into.
~~I'm having a bad week~~ |
The weather IS CRAZY!! We are in NC but are originally from AR so we have a lot of family & friends that have been looking for fraidy holes all week. Hang in there -- summer will prob be extra HOT & no rain!
hang in there Gail!..have another glass of wine!!
I ask myself Why am I leaving Norther California? The weather has been perfect here this spring.
I guess i just miss the Midwestern storms from my childhood.
Hope you weather it well, we are freezing in Wisconsin again....why o why did we leave Florida!
Were going through the same crazy weather here IN MO. but no hot weather. Just a crazy year all around, first tons of snow and now tornadoes and who knows what else, looks like floods next.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
Hope all went well. reading the aftermath stories this morning, it was bad everywhere.
I think this weather is why God changed water into wine. Stay safe way over there...
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