Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Peep Show!

I went to Westminster today to visit my mom.  Mom and I went to see the peep show. Now get your head out of the gutter, I'm not talking about those Las Vegas type of peep shows.  These peeps are marshmallow peeps.

Justin Bieber
Sponge Bob Square Pants
 Hundreds of marshmallow masterpieces created from and inspired by PEEPS. A hilarious display of creativity. And you can get a sugar-rush like no other!

Lady Gaga
Thomas the train
After the peep show, mom and I met my sister Robin for lunch at pizza hut. We had salads and some yummy bread sticks. It was warm and sunny and I had a wonderful day!
Thanks for reading, life is good.........


Merikay said...

What fun!

Donna K said...

Now that's my kind of Peep Show. Thanks for posting such fun pictures.

Bob said...

Hey, I thought maybe it was going to be a chick hatchery.

JO said...

What a fun day you had with your mom. And pretty neat art too.

pidge said...

Those are amazing. I love eating them, never thought about creating art with them.

Wayne and Roberta said...

Very interesting, I can't say I have ever seen a peep show.