Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday!

Happy good Friday everyone!  Yesterday was a beautiful day. This is our forecast for the next few days:

It looks like our Easter weekend will be a wet one. I think some our activities can be done indoors.

We do have quite a few campers in for the holiday and they are are still buying firewood and hoping the weather will clear up. Camping here is always fun no matter what the weather is doing.

Lily is starting to fit right in with the family. She is spending more time out and about and hiding under the couch less. We have some cat toys and she is playing with them. 

 Jodie and Lily are getting along just fine. Jodie even shares the dash with her. The dash is Jodie's favorite spot. Both Jodie and Lily love to lay on the rug on the dash and watch the campground.
Thanks for reading, life is good.............


Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Have a great Easter!

Kenny And Angela's Adventure said...

Happy Easter!!

Sue and Doug said...

Happy Easter to you both and the 'four legged kids'!!

Barb said...

I just found your blog - boy, you've been getting some weather! Pretty cat and dog photos. Happy Easter!

Donna K said...

Happy Easter. Your little Lily looks so sweet.

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Our weather forecast looks just about identical to yours - rain, rain, rain! So glad Lily is settling in well. Happy Easter!

Rick said...

Happy Easter! Great to see Jodie and Lily are getting along so well.

Four Windows with a View said...

Wow...50 - 81 degrees. What a difference. Try to absorb as much of the heat as you can while you've got it.