The visit to the veterinarian today did not go that well. We found out that DD had feline leukemia. The veterinarian thought she was about 3 years old and had been suffering with this disease for quite some time. I made the decision to have her put to sleep. I'm sad, but glad that we gave her a good week and gave her a peaceful death rather than the long painful one she was going to have.
The people working at the veterinarians office told me that I have a special place in Heaven, my bank account tells me that I need a "check up from the neck up".
I'm so sorry to hear this but like you, glad she had a good week.
We rescued a kitten from a vet, it had been a feral litter and he gave them all the kitten shots. She was all back except for a white star on her chest. She was amazing, so much personality. She loved to fetch crumpled up paper balls.
We'd had her a month and she started coughing/hacking without any sign of hairballs. It didn't clear up and we took her to the vet. Same thing, she'd been infected before he took the kittens in and vaccinated them. We put her down rather than have her suffer for who knows how long.
Not easy...right decision. HUGS!!!
That's sad but the Vet was right you are a special person.
You made the right decision, and God is behind you, He has a special place for people that love their fellow creatures on this earth. I hope IO go where dogs go. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
Gail, I am sorry to hear about DD but know you did not only the right thing but a blessed thing. You gave that wee kitty a week of comfort and affection she had not known. Having had kitties, some of whom had FL, my deepest and heartfelt thanks.
From a dumpster to what she thought was heaven to kitty heaven. You are a special person.
Stay Safe
as the vet said, you have saved her a lot of misery. You do not need a checkup form the neck up, I am sure it was money well spent.
Sadly, that is common among strays. So sad. Some of my neighbors feed a couple feral cats, had them neutered and give them shots for the leukemia. Saints.
I'm sorry about little DD. Even having her for a week, I know you had some attachment. Don't let this and the other recent experience squelch your good-hearted actions. It is better than letting them suffer. You're a good person, Gail. :')
you are a special gave DD a loving last week...kitty heaven is a special place for special kitties!..hugs to you :*(
So sad about DD, but like you, I couldn't bear to see her suffer. Bless you for giving her a comfortable, happy last week. Big Hugs
We had a cat that got it and his sickness was sudden. He hid in the back of a closet one day and wouldn't come out. I took him to the vet and they suggested putting him down. I couldn't. A few days later he started having seizures. they were terrible and I had to take him in. He was a good cat.
you did the right thing. She would have died on her own.
So sorry to hear about DD. You did the best thing for her.
So Sorry, but at least she had that great last week. A new jewel in your crown...
So sorry to hear that DD was not a well cat. I am sure that you have saved her from a painful death as you said.
Kevin and Ruth
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