Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hurry Up March!

The KOA is officially closed for the season. If if wasn't for the howling wind, it would be so quiet here. It is still cold, windy and miserable.  Right now it is 29 degrees out. OUCH!!!!
The camp store all closed up
Can't wait until March!
The Conococheague Creek looks pretty cold!

A very empty campground
 TC is still helping out here at the campground.  Some of the seasonal help quit, so I'm working more hours at Penney's. I'm having fun working there, I'm even enjoying the Christmas music I hear all day long. I pray they keep me on part time for the winter. I love working there and I love the customers. 

Pretty soon the holiday season will be over and everyone will be thinking about the Super Bowl! 

The temperature is to climb to a balmy 40 this weekend and be sunny. I'm looking forward to that! I guess I should count my blessings that it's not snowing.
thanks for reading, life is good...........


Margie and Roger said...

The campground sure does look desolate. Glad you continue to enjoy your job at Penney's. I bet they end upkeeping you through the winter.

Carol K said...

I'm so happy to hear that your seasonal job at Penney's is going well. Really, some people already quit? All the better for you! Stay warm.

Travels with Emma said...

If I were the folks at Penney's, I'd sure keep you! :)

Rick said...

Glad you like your job at Penney's and hope it continues through until March.

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

That is an empty campground. Glad you still enjoy Penny's.