Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Little Bit Overwhelmed!

Today's customer service training class went pretty well. We had to watch videos and listen while we were told all of the rules and regulations. The customer always comes first!

I think mom is a wee bit stressed out
All of the employers have to do a criminal back-ground check on future employees. We had 7 people in the training class today. All of  criminal back-ground checks came back but mine. It appears that "workamping" in different states and county's take the criminal back-ground check people much longer to check you out. Because my back-ground check is not back yet, I don't go back to Penney's until Friday. I never robbed a bank or committed a murder, I haven't even had a traffic violation!  I even have clean PEE!

Today is a miserable rainy day. It is dark, dreary and depressing out. Hopefully things will work out, meanwhile I'm going to relax with a glass of wine.  

thanks for reading, life is good..................


Merikay said...

didn't know they did such extensive checks on temporary employees! Guess someone could steal a lot in one season of work.

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Sounds like what you have to go through to drive a bus. I guess they don't want any Father Rapers in there stores. Keep your chin up you will pass with flying colors. Even with all my time in law Enforcement I still had to have all the record and School and pedaphile tests just to drive a Trailways bus. In that case the DOT and Homeland Security requires it.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

Happytrails said...

I am so sorry you are having a "down" day. Just remember..."this too shall pass."
It is a shame that our society has gotten to this point. You hang in there cause things usually have a way of working out. In the meantime that glass of wine sounds great!!!

Sue and Doug said...

maybe have two glasses of wine!..we are there with you...Cheers!!

Margie and Roger said...

Whining is always better with wine in my opinion. Enjoy! Good luck with your background check.

ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

Glad to see your pee is clean. You must drink a lot of water :) hehee!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

Another example of the many suffering for the poor ethics of a few. Employers today sadly cannot take anything at face value.

Good luck on getting your background check back in good time.

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your blog Gail.
So glad that you like mine too.
Thank you!
- Mary Ann :-)