Sunday, October 17, 2010

Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal!

I came home from work last night and got on the computer to read the blogs of my friends and  read news of the tragic death of a wonderful RVing couple, Margie and Bruce.   They were senselessly mowed down by a suicide-intended driver of a car as they were taking their morning walk.  link 

Their family is in shock and we are all feeling their pain and loss at this tragic event.

 I loved reading all about their travels and the time they spent with their lovey grand daughters. Margie always had interesting things to say and left nice comments on my blog. They will be missed. The blogging world won't be the same without them.

 Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. I honestly don't know what else to say. This is such shocking and unbelievable news I just can't believe it.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.


Carol K said...

Thank you for this post, Gail. I will greatly miss Margie and Bruce. I can't seem to find the words to write about them on my blog. We must remember that they are both at peace. It's the rest of us who are suffering, and their family needs our prayers.

Sherry and Charley Dilworth said...

Thank you for letting us know about this tragedy. Our hearts go out to their family.

Rick said...

Words to express our shock and sorrow are hard to come by, but you've done a great job capturing those feelings for us, so thank you.

Happytrails said...

Yes, words are just not there at this moment! Bruce and Margie will be deeply missed!

MargieAnne said...

Like others I am still in shock. I can't imagine how it is for their family. They will need to be carried by our prayers for a long time to come. It's the least I can do for people who became beloved friends.

It was an unbelievable accident and while I know God doesn't bring these things about, how evil would that be and so completely contrary to His nature, you can almost see that he has prepared the family by building some wonderful memories into the last 18 months as well as previously.

It's in their loss that I'm recognising what special people they were. I only knew them through Margie's Blogs and her encouraging comments to all of us, but in that short time I came to treasure her friendship and looked forward to meeting them sometime.

The tributes on their Blog speak volumes about the lives they touched. How I will miss them.

Travels with Emma said...

I am also struggling with the shock of such a loss. They indeed were part of my 'virtual' family. I shed tears at each blogger's tribute to them. :_(

Along the Way with JnK said...

It is so amazing how many lives this has touched. We are praying for all of us who have been and will continue to be effected by this awful event.

Kevin Read said...

Thank you for the post. You have said that beautifully.

Our thoughts are with Stephanie and all her family.

Kevin and Ruth

Unknown said...

Nice post Gail.
Thank you.
- Mary Ann :*(