Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crazy Phone Calls!

I get so many unusual questions. People call wanting to know if there is a Mc Donald's close to the campground. I can't believe that people want to camp near a Mc Donald's you can have that at home. I had one phone call where the caller asked if we had outside tent sites. Where else would you put a tent? 

Jodie and Soupy are becoming friends. Soupy goes back to the veterinarian this coming Monday. He will be tested for feline  leukemia. If all is good with the test he will be updated on all his vaccinations. Hopefully all will be good.
Thanks for reading, life is good..........


Happytrails said...

You should write a book!! It is amazing to hear what things people are most concerned about when they go camping. Funny!

Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

Margie M. said...

Oh wow, that is a good one. Maybe the best I've ever heard..."do you have outside tent sites." Too funny.

Travels with Emma said...

When I camp hosted at a state park in Minnesota, I had a young pregnant camper (just out of jail) ask me if she should home school her unborn child five years down the road! Oh boy, camper's questions can blow your mind. :)

pidge said...

Loved the questions. I agree with Mike and Gerri, you should write a book. It would make a good read. Very peaceful picture of your pets.

Rick said...

Some interesting questions for sure - and, a few dumb ones I might add! Good stuff for blogging though.